July 9, 2024

Fight, Flight, Freeze... or Fib? Exploring ADHD Behaviors

Fight, Flight, Freeze... or Fib? Exploring ADHD Behaviors

Tony and Julie return from a hiatus to discuss the concepts of fibbing, emotional maturity, and narcissistic traits in individuals with ADHD. They delve into the science behind the fight, flight, freeze, or fib response, examining how fibbing serves as a self-preservation strategy. They highlight the importance of authenticity and sharing true selves to foster a sense of belonging. Using real-life examples and referencing expert insights, they encourage acceptance and emotional growth in managing ADHD traits. The episode concludes with personal anecdotes and a love letter to ADHD.

00:00 Welcome Back After Hiatus

00:46 Substantial Growth Retreat Explained

01:16 Top ADHD Podcast Recognition

02:16 Funny Client Story

07:10 Emotional Immaturity and ADHD

14:34 Managing Notifications and Missed Calls

15:24 The Truth Behind Ignored Messages

15:59 Embracing Integrity in Communication

17:30 Understanding ADHD and Fibbing

18:56 The Science of Fight, Flight, Freeze, or Fib

20:58 The Impact of Fibbing on Self-Esteem

22:25 Authenticity and Belonging

25:05 The Importance of Knowing Your Story

30:10 Final Thoughts and Personal Reflections

Head to http://love-adhd.com to learn more.