Create Your Own Podcast, Introducing Podcast U w/Rachel Nielson and Monica Packer, Podcast Hosts

* To sign up for Rachel and Monica's FREE course on how to create and monetize your podcast follow this link:

AND to sign up for their all-encompassing Podcast U, which takes you into the specifics of finding your voice in podcasting, how to create a message, what you need to know in terms of equipment, hosting, building your audience, monetization and so much more, follow this link for more information:

From the Podcast U site:

Do you feel like you have an important message to share through podcasting, but you’re just not sure how to get it out there?
Maybe you’ve already started a show, but you’re disappointed that more people aren’t listening.

Or maybe you’re feeling a tug in your heart to start a podcast, but you have no idea how to do that, or if anyone would even listen.
(And do you even have time to do any of this with your busy life as a mom??)
Yes, you can do this. And we can help.

About Monica and Rachel:

Hi! We are Monica and Rachel, hosts of the podcasts About Progress and 3 in 30 Takeaways for Moms. Before we launched our shows, neither of us had any business experience or big social media following—and yet, in just a few short years, our podcasts have had almost 4 million downloads between us, reaching hundreds of thousands of people around the world.
If two everyday moms like us can do this, you can too. We'd love to teach you how!