Dr. Molly Parker PT on Post-Concussion Syndrome, Neuroplasticity of the Brain

Tony Overbay LMFT interviews Dr. Molly Parker, PT, on Post-Concussion Syndrome, Neuroplasticity of the brain and her incredible story that found her visiting over 80 medical professionals during the course of an 8-year journey to recover from a traumatic brain injury. Dr. Parker said that while recovering from her injury, one thing was clear... there is a HUGE gap in concussion management and the most basic education for everyone involved. She said "my vision is that one day each person with a concussion will be properly diagnosed, educated, and treated… easy peasy. With a little neuroplasticity and a team approach, we can turn a public health crisis into standardized quality care." Dr. Parker said that her goal is to connect people to current concussion knowledge and neuroplastic treatments. You can learn more about Dr. Parker and get her free ebook "Learn how to prime your brain for neuroplasticity" at

You can find out more about Tony Overbay and the Virtual Couch podcast at http://tonyoverbay.com and http://virtualcouch.xyz You can find out more about his pornography recovery program at http://pathbackrecovery.com