Ep124 Happy Wife, Happy Life is Evidence Based! Emotionally Intelligent Husband Key to Better Marria

Have you ever heard the phrase “Happy Wife, Happy Life?” As cliched as it sounds, there may actually be some data to back it up. A study published in the Los Angeles Times in the late ’90s, that has since been built upon, shares that the key to a strong marriage is for a husband to be willing to accept his wife’s influence. Tony talks about why simply “active listening” is not enough, and how this study, published by the Gottman Institute, paved the way for more of the evidence-based marriage therapy programs like John Gottman’s own work in empathy and understanding, as well as how this work affected modalities like Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for couples.

The article referenced in the podcast can be found here
https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1998-feb-21-mn-21412-story.html more information on John and Julie Gottman can be found at http://gottman.com and more information on Tony, and the Virtual Couch podcast can be found at http://tonyoverbay.com