Ep69 Anthony Esteves of the Capeless Crusaders on Persevering Through Suicide In The Family

Virtual Couch Episode 69 - Tony Overbay, LMFT interviews Anthony Esteves, Cohost of the Capeless Crusaders Podcast, Writer/Contributor/Film Enthusiast for Latino Review Media. Anthony discusses his personal journey in dealing with the suicides of his uncle, and his cousin. Despite the events happening almost 20 years apart, it was his cousin’s suicide, along with a job transition and a couple of additional stressors that lead to his feeling hopeless for the first time in his life. Hear how Anthony learned to stop believing the negative self-talk and use his experience to fuel his creativity, which he said had grown dormant due to his feeling too comfortable in his life. Anthony is now involved with the American Foundation For Suicide Prevention https://afsp.org/

Anthony can be found on twitter at @TheAzoreanOne Anthony's podcast can be found at http://www.thecapelesscrusaders.com/ the Latino Media Review is here https://lrmonline.com/ and Anthony's Short Film "In America" 2011 can be viewed here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yam8ytOSo5U