From Walking on Eggshells to Standing Ground: Waking Up to Narcissism Questions and Answers Ep 11

Episode 11 of the 'Waking Up The Narcissism' premium QA edition, Tony Overbay, LMFT, discusses the concept of Nonviolent Communication and how it can be applied in interactions with emotionally immature or narcissistic individuals. Tony addresses a listener's question about how to communicate effectively with a narcissistic spouse, focusing on the importance of separating observations from judgments. He also talks about the tendency of narcissistic individuals to engage in 'appropriation,' a form of manipulation where they take on the sentiments or experiences of the person they are interacting with. Additionally, the episode delves into the topic of differentiation, encouraging listeners to remain detached and observant in interactions with narcissistic individuals. The host also emphasizes that a person will never be able to give a narcissist an 'aha' moment; it has to come from the narcissists themselves.

00:00 Introduction and Purpose of the Episode
00:30 Understanding Emotionally Immature and Narcissistic Individuals
01:17 The Role of Therapists in Dealing with Narcissism
01:33 The Importance of Authenticity in Therapy
02:42 The Role of Discomfort in Personal Growth
02:55 The Concept of Projection in Narcissistic Relationships
03:28 The Importance of Empathy in Relationships
03:30 The Impact of Secrets in Relationships
04:51 The Power of Trust in Therapy
08:00 Understanding the Concept of Appropriation in Narcissistic Relationships
26:58 The Impact of Nonviolent Communication in Narcissistic Relationships
34:52 Conclusion and Final Thoughts