I’M NOT OKAY, BUT I WILL BE Part 3 “The Path Back” Tony Overbay, LMFT Pastor Chris Jung

Pastor Chris Jung and Tony Overbay, licensed marriage and family therapist, and host of The Virtual Couch Podcast. Pastor Chris (PC) and Tony talk about how to recognize and navigate our way out of negative thought patterns. Whether you, or someone that you care about, or work with, are struggling with destructive, negative thoughts, this message will help you with tools to acknowledge and overcome, a lot of negative self-talk.

PC and Tony also cover the topic of what to do with suicidal thoughts, again, whether you are the one having suicidal thoughts, or ideations, or if someone that you love, work with, or come into contact are having them. The data is clear, talking about, or asking someone, if someone is struggling with suicidal thoughts does NOT "introduce" the concept of suicide to the individual, but rather it can help significantly reduce the chance that they will follow through on their thoughts.

And, if you, or anyone that you know, is struggling with suicidal thoughts please reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or visit suicidepreventionlifeline.org

For more information on Pastor Chris Jung's Summit Christian Chuch, please visit http://mysummit.church and for more information on Tony Overbay, or his Virtual Couch podcast, please visit http://tonyoverbay.com or http://virtualcouch.xyz

You can pre-order Tony's new book: He's a Porn Addict, Now What? An Expert and a Former Addict Answer Your Questions here https://msipress.com/product/hes-a-porn-addict-now-what-an-expert-and-a-former-addict-answer-your-questions/ And you can find out more about Tony's pornography recovery program The Path Back by visiting http://pathbackrecovery.com And visit http://tonyoverbay.com and sign up to receive updates on upcoming programs, and podcasts.

The Virtual Couch is sponsored by http://Betterhelp.com/virtualcouch Betterhelp.com is the world's leading provider of online therapy. Their mission is to make professional counseling accessible, affordable, and convenient, so anyone who struggles with life's challenges can get help, anytime, anywhere. Head to http://betterhelp.com/virtualcouch for 10% off your first month of services.