Incredible Woman Finishes First 5K Finish Despite Brain Tumor Stroke

Whitney Mariner is an incredible woman. Three years Whitney gave birth to her second child. Only six weeks later she was diagnosed with an orange-sized tumor wrapped around her brain stem. Because of the difficult placement, the twelve-hour surgery resulted in a stroke paralyzing the left half of her body. After extensive physical and emotional therapy over the last three years, she progressed from wheelchair to walker, walker to canes, and eventually to walk unassisted.

Because strokes are so varied by individual, doctors couldn't tell Whit how much she would recover or what kind of activity she would ever be able to resume. In Whit's words, "Because of the amazing support and encouragement from both my emotional and physical therapists, Tony Overbay, LMFT, and Erin Vestal PT, DPT, NCS, I decided to attempt my first ever 5K last year at the GEMS 5K in Lincoln, CA."

This is Whitney's incredible finish!