Kate Anthony, Author of “The D Word: Making the Ultimate Decision About Your Marriage”

Kate Anthony, Author of “The D Word: Making the Ultimate Decision About Your Marriage” on Deciphering Divorce, Confronting Decisions, and Embracing Empowerment

Tony and Kate Anthony, divorce coach and author of “The D Word: Making the Ultimate Decision About Your Marriage,” (https://amzn.to/47V1AKe) unpack the complex dynamics involved with the decision to stay or leave a relationship, typically with an emotionally immature or narcissistic partner. Kate shares her divorce story and explores the importance of establishing personal boundaries and self-care throughout the journey. The conversation discusses the fundamental need for individuals to recognize and reclaim their right to happiness outside a dysfunctional marital relationship.They also talk about the impact of staying in an emotionally abusive relationship for the sake of the kids, and the different roles that a therapist and coach can play in the helping process. You can find out more about Kate at her website http://kateanthony.com and if you are looking for safe ways to purchase the book, please visit http://kateanthony.com/dword

00:01 Introduction and Initial Banter
00:14 Discussing Kate's Book and Its Impact
01:08 Kate's Journey and Her Book's Purpose
01:46 The Role of Narcissism in Relationships
02:36 Kate's Personal Experience with Narcissism
03:16 The Impact of Divorce and Making the Decision
05:22 The Aftermath of Leaving a Narcissistic Relationship
06:31 The Role of Codependency in Relationships
13:18 Kate's Career in Acting and Its Influence
16:21 The Importance of Choosing Yourself
22:33 The Process of Knowing When to Leave
24:05 The Power of Self-Acknowledgement
24:23 Understanding the Impact of Denial
24:39 The Importance of Self-Admission
25:12 The Struggle of Facing the Truth
25:29 The Role of Therapists and Coaches
25:50 The Concept of Leading Indicators
26:42 The Reality of Unhealthy Relationships
27:09 The Process of Decision Making
27:32 The Power of Self-Empowerment
27:41 The Role of Coaches in Decision Making
27:47 The Impact of Direct Communication
28:10 The Importance of Authenticity in Relationships
28:23 The Role of Therapists in Decision Making
28:56 The Collaboration between Therapists and Coaches
29:14 The Importance of Training for Coaches
29:38 The Role of Therapists in Guiding Decisions
29:58 The Challenge of Taking Action
30:30 The Importance of Addressing the Impact on Kids
30:42 The Reality of Co-Parenting with a Narcissist
31:27 The Impact of Divorce on Kids
32:00 The Importance of Authenticity in Parenting
32:14 The Reality of Staying for the Kids
41:33 The Importance of Choosing Happiness
43:11 The Importance of Living Your Truth
43:13 The Importance of Living Authentically
43:52 The Importance of Choosing Love over Control
44:14 The Importance of Self-Care
44:17 The Importance of Being Enough for Yourself