Therapist Frustrated By Shame-Based Approaches to Mental Health - Reacts to Jody Hildebrandt Case

Virtual Couch Full Episode 400 - Tony Overbay, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, tackles the alarming issue of unhealthy shame-based practices being brought into the spotlight in therapy, spurred by a recent news article detailing the unethical behavior of therapist Jody Hildebrandt. (Tony refers to "A former client of Jodi Hildebrandt says his family and life were 'destroyed' after she spilled details of his sessions to the Mormon Church - By Rebecca Cohen
(The link to the story has been removed due to my video being removed; please google or contact me if you would like the link).

Tony dives into the destructive nature of shame-based therapy, refuting its effectiveness and ethical standing. You'll hear firsthand accounts of the damage shame-based approaches can cause while raising the question: How should therapists truly be helping their clients?

In the second half, the episode shifts towards de-stigmatizing 'porn addiction,' urging listeners to understand it as more of an unhealthy coping mechanism and why strength-based approaches to improving one's life with the acceptance that it is THEIR life work and a therapist, life coach, or religious leader making it about THEMSELVES will only further exacerbate the problem. Tony talks about evidence-based therapeutic strategies like acceptance and commitment therapy that operate from a place of compassion, not shame. By doing so, individuals are empowered with the tools and emotional freedom to reshape their coping mechanisms, ultimately leading to more fulfilling lives.

The software Tony mentioned at the beginning with the "eye contact" beta feature is Descript. Here's where you can learn more about it because it is incredible from an editing, recording, and production standpoint. I've long held that it "must be created by wizards and magic!" because it's that good! To learn more about Descript, please contact me for a link, but I don't want to risk whatever the link is that led to this video being removed. Thank you!