Understanding this ONE THING about TRUST can help you immediately shift your view of others!

Tony Overbay, licensed marriage and family therapist, and host of The Virtual Couch Podcast, describes a particular session where the couple both expressed different views on trust that may seem radically different...but, based on their own experiences are both correct. Are you having curious conversations with your spouse or are you trying to break down their definition of THEIR own personal experiences? Too often in marriages, relationships, parenting, in communication in general we're either overtly, or covertly, attempting to prove someone else is wrong, rather than simply try and understand. Part of that fear is that we feel a need to validate our own views of the world so if someone else has a different view, our own version of reality, truth, values, morals, all come into question.

Every one of us has feelings, beliefs, views, and opinions because we're the only version of us that has ever walked the face of the Earth. We are the only person who has had EXACTLY our own experiences. With this in mind, try today to spend a bit more time being curious, being more intentional about asking questions BEFORE making comments. If we were all doing this one thing, the world's dialogue, in general, would begin to shift.

Tony Overbay is the creator of the Magnetic Marriage Course, the way to take your marriage from mediocre, to magnetic. You can learn more about his Magnetic Marriage Course, or take his free parenting course "Parenting Positively Even in the Not So Positive of Times," or find his podcast, The Virtual Couch, by visiting http://tonyoverbay.com