What Happens When Procrastination Meets Acceptance? Less Guilt, Shame, and More Productivity!

Procrastination creates a pretty fascinating feedback loop. For many of us, we procrastinate until a deadline, and then we perform. We may not be happy with our performance, but this pattern repeats itself over time until it's what we do! We receive a deadline of Friday at 5 PM and Friday at 1 PM (or 2 or 3 PM depending on the project); it's "go time!" So we often tell ourselves that we're going to get to work on a new project earlier. We're going to get started on Tuesday or Wednesday! But what happens when you sit down to study, or write, or prepare on Tuesday only to find yourself in a sea of distractions? Sure, you'll try harder tomorrow! But we know how that typically plays out. The resulting battle in the brain can ultimately produce a net-negative effect. Tony Overbay, LMFT and host of The Virtual Couch podcast, gives a new take on procrastination that includes a heavy dose of acceptance. And the results are promising!