
Jan. 24, 2021

Understanding What We Bring With Us From Childhood Can Quickly Help Us Be A Better Adult!

I've been a therapist for over 15 years, I've worked with thousands of individuals and over a thousand couples, and what I'm going to share with you today has been an absolute game-changer for me in my personal life, as well as in my practice. Let's talk about abandonment and…

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Dec. 3, 2020

Using Tiny Habits To Bring About Large Changes with Abby Green - Tony Overbay Virtual Couch Podcast

Episode 236 of Tony Overbay LMFT's The Virtual Couch Podcast. With the New Year soon approaching, it’s time to talk habits! Inevitably millions of people will start to look at creating new habits, and breaking old ones and guest Abby Green has done all the research on habit formation so…

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Dec. 1, 2020

When You Feel Like You’re Trying More Than Your Spouse w/Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife

Episode 235 of Tony Overbay LMFT's The Virtual Couch Podcast "When You Feel Like You’re Trying More Than Your Spouse w/Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife (Plus When Narcissistic Traits Show Up in Marriage)" Relationship and sexuality expert Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-fife ( returns for her 3rd time to the Virtual Couch! In today’s…

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Nov. 17, 2020

Managing Marital Entropy...Why Doing Something For Your Better Than Nothing At All!

Episode 233 of Tony Overbay LMFT's The Virtual Couch Podcast. For most of us, when we think of our marital relationships our minds don’t immediately go to the second law of thermodynamics, or entropy, but according to some marriage researchers, there is definitely a correlation. According to Stephen F. Duncan,…

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Oct. 27, 2020

Making The Best of That 3-Legged Chair In Your Mind...Thoughts, It's All About Context (ACT)

Episode 230 of Tony Overbay LMFT's The Virtual Couch Podcast - What if your thoughts, even ones that you previously considered to be negative, harmful, unproductive, or even toxic, when put into context weren’t the monsters that you have made them out to be? Welcome to the world of Functional…

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Oct. 19, 2020

Make Room For Those Unwanted, Unproductive Thoughts - Using Expansion To Keep Moving Forward

We ALL have thoughts going through our minds consistently throughout the day. Some of those thoughts are funny, some are scary, some are full of hope, and others are completely inappropriate for the time and place (ever just wanted to start giggling at a completely somber event?). So why do…

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Oct. 14, 2020

Restoring Trust, Gaslighting, What if I DO Know Better? You Say Impulsion and I Say Compulsion?

Virtual Couch Episode 227 Hosted By Tony Overbay, LMFT - How can a couple rebuild trust in a marriage? Is gaslighting really as big of a problem as people make it out to be...come on, really? (See what I did there...I was gaslighting!!). And what if I honestly, truly, at…

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Oct. 14, 2020

You Should Know That Cognitive Distortions Never Work, Yet You Always Use Them!

Virtual Couch Podcast Episode 228 Hosted by Tony Overbay, LMFT - Do you always feel like you’re never going to get what you want? Do you continuously find yourself thinking, “I should have done that differently?” (Knowing that NOBODY likes to be “should on?”). Or have you ever found yourself…

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Sept. 22, 2020

Is Pornography Addiction Real? All You Wanted to Know (And Didn't Want To Know) on Porn Addiction

Episode 221 of The Virtual Couch Podcast, hosted by Tony Overbay, LMFT. Tony tackles the topic of pornography today in a completely strength-based, hold-the-shame, become the person you always wanted to be way. He addresses the age-old question of whether or not pornography addiction is even a diagnosable condition...and better…

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Sept. 3, 2020

Create Your Own Podcast, Introducing Podcast U w/Rachel Nielson and Monica Packer, Podcast Hosts

* To sign up for Rachel and Monica's FREE course on how to create and monetize your podcast follow this link: AND to sign up for their all-encompassing Podcast U, which takes you into the specifics of finding your voice in podcasting, how to create a message, what you…

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Sept. 2, 2020

Hold On to Your Hippocampus - The Impact of Narcissistic Abuse On The Brain Virtual Couch Pod Ep 221

Intro including a discussion about appearing on a national radio show to talk about pornography addiction runs up to 6:55 and then Tony gets to the article/topic about narcissistic abuse and the impact on the brain. Episode 221 of Tony Overbay LMFT's The Virtual Couch Podcast - It’s true that…

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Aug. 31, 2020

Nothing's wrong with YOUR Brain! It's all in context...learning Functional Contextualism from ACT

Tony Overbay, LMFT, and host of The Virtual Couch Podcast ( describes Functional Contextualism from Russ Harris' book ACT Made Simple. Imagine if we started the narrative with "you're not broken, you're human" instead of the ever-popular refrain of needing to fix your broken, problematic thinking? Functional Contextualism (FC) is…

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Aug. 26, 2020

Kick Those Bad Habits to the Curb..and No White Knuckling It! - Tony Overbay's Virtual Couch Podcast

Intro from 0:00 to 4:09 At 4:09 Tony begins talking about Richard Jerome's article. Tony Overbay LMFT's Virtual Couch Podcast Episode 220 - It's time to break some old habits and create some new ones...the good kind! Tony covers Richard Jerome's article "Yes, You Can Kick That Bad Habit!"…

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Aug. 18, 2020

Everything I've Learned From The Therapist Chair - The Trilogy (Pt3) - Tony Overbay LMFT

Episode 219 of Tony Overbay, LMFT's The Virtual Couch Podcast - Tony covers items 11 through 14 of his ever-growing list of “Everything I Know,” aka all of the things he’s learned from the therapist’s chair. In today’s episode he covers: If you’re going to say yes to someone, then…

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Aug. 13, 2020

Why Nice People Continue to Look for the Good in a Narcissist - Breaking the Trauma Bond

Tony Overbay, LMFT, and host of The Virtual Couch Podcast discusses the difficulties in breaking free from a narcissist trauma bond. One of the biggest challenges in working with people who are trying to break free from the trauma bone or emotional grip of a narcissist is the fact that…

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Aug. 12, 2020

Try Not To Think About A Green Polar Bear! You Did, Didn't You!? Psychological Reactance Explained

Tony Overbay, LMFT and host of The Virtual Couch Podcast explains why even our own brains can't be told what to do. The term "psychological reactance" is the instant negative reaction we all have when being told what to do. Psychologists believe that it is innate within us, that we…

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Aug. 11, 2020

Julie Lee, Author of "I See You" on The Virtual Couch Podcast with Tony Overbay LMFT

Episode 218 to Tony Overbay LMFT's The Virtual Couch Podcast - Tony welcomes Julie Lee, author of “I See You” back to The Virtual Couch. Julie talks about the surprising series of events that led to the writing of her book, “I See You” and discussed the challenges of completing…

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Aug. 4, 2020

Everything I've Learned From The Therapist Chair The B-sides - Tony Overbay's Virtual Couch Podcast

Episode 216 of Tony Overbay LMFT's The Virtual Couch Podcast - Tony covers 7 through 10 of his ever-growing list of “Everything I Know,” aka all of the things he’s learned from his therapist’s chair. In today’s episode he covers: Let’s assume that people don’t wake up and think “What…

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July 30, 2020

Citrus Heights Stake Young Women Meeting on Mental Health Issues - Tony Overbay, LMFT

I was.asked to answer questions specific to mental health for the young women of the Citrus Heights Stake. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to share some of the knowledge that I have learned in my 15 years as a licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT). I have podcasts…

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July 28, 2020

Everything I've Learned From The Therapist Chair: Side 1 Tony Overbay LMFT The Virtual Couch Podcast

Tony covers items 1 through 6 of his ever-growing list of “Everything I Know,” aka all of the things he’s learned from his therapist’s chair. In today’s episode he covers: What if you’re NOT broken (ACT vs CBT), You’re the only version of YOU so far on the Earth (at…

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July 24, 2020

The Keys to Fixing a Broken Heart - The Virtual Couch Podcast Episode 214

Tony Overbay's The Virtual Couch Podcast Episode 214 - Don’t you know that breaking up, is, hard to do? Hopefully, you were singing that to the tune of the Neal Sedaka hit of the same name that was first released in 1960? And Sedaka wasn’t the first to use the…

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July 16, 2020

How To Respond To Someone In Need - Tony Overbay's Virtual Couch Podcast Episode 213

Episode 213 of Tony Overbay, LMFT's The Virtual Couch Podcast - What do you say when somebody turns to you in their time of need? It may sound simple, but in reality, there’s a chance that your thoughts and phrases of support may leave someone feeling unheard and even more…

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July 9, 2020

How Trauma Impacts Us All - The Body Keeps The Score Review Pt1 Tony Overbay's Virtual Couch Podcast

Episode 212 of Tony Overbay, LMFT's The Virtual Couch Podcast - Tony reviews the life-changing book The Body Keeps the Score, by Bessel van der Kolk M.D. “Trauma is a fact of life…one in five Americans has been molested; one in four grew up with alcoholics; one in three…

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July 5, 2020

Emotions Aren't The Boss Of You! Using Expansion To Master Anger, Fear, Sadness and More

Tony Overbay LMFT's The Virtual Couch Podcast Episode 211 - Anger, sadness, frustration, fear, loneliness…any one of these emotions can cause one to feel off their game to the point that they may start singing the familiar, yet destructive “what’s wrong with me?” tune. Even more profound is the old…

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