
June 26, 2020

Virtual Couch Podcast Ep210 - Is Your Mess Causing Your Stress?

Tony Overbay LMFT's The Virtual Couch Podcast Episode 210 Is Your Mess Causing Your Stress? Take a quick look around your room, your office, or even your car. What do you see? Do you find yourself staring at the same piles of paper, or half-completed projects that you've been working…

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June 16, 2020

How to Avoid Drama...Are you a Persecutor, Rescuer or Victim? Understand the Karpman Drama Triangle

Episode 209 of Tony Overbay LMFT's The Virtual Couch Podcast - For most of us, we will do almost anything to avoid drama, even to the detriment of our personal and professional relationships. Yet at times, even the most mindful person may find themselves feeling like a victim who has…

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June 9, 2020

Why Can it Be So Difficult To Understand The Plight of Others? Understanding The Ego

Episode 208 of Tony Overbay LMFT's The Virtual Couch Podcast - Right now we need to be able to listen, empathize and understand our brothers and sisters more than ever...but why can that be so difficult at times? Even when many people stop to listen, why do their brains immediately…

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June 7, 2020

Coach Charles Gazaway on Mentoring Youth, Race in Sports and Surviving a Kidney/Pancreas Transplant

Episode 207 of Tony Overbay LMFT's The Virtual Couch Podcast, a special "BONUS episode." Tony replays an interview with his friend Charles Gazaway, also the long-time coach of his son Jake's AAU basketball team. This is AUDIO ONLY. Tony's original video interview without the updated intro is available at…

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June 2, 2020

Monica Packer, Host of About Progress, On Battling Through Perfectionism and Procrastination

Episode 206 of Tony Overbay, LMFT's The Virtual Couch Podcast - From her website,, Monica Packer is a recovering perfectionist, a podcaster, and a Progress Coach. She also has a very successful online program that helps people create their first podcast called Podcast U along with fellow Podcaster and…

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May 28, 2020

Tony Overbay, LMFT on Stages of Life, James Fowler's Stages of Faith, Stages of Change

Episode 205 of Tony Overbay, LMFT's The Virtual Couch Podcast. In the 1980s James Fowler, Professor of Theology and Human Development at Emory University and director of both the Center for Research on Faith and Moral Development and the Center for Ethics wrote a book called Stages of Faith. Fowler’s…

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May 19, 2020

Stop Running From Uncomfortable Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions...How to Face the “Fear Trap”

Tony Overbay LMFT's The Virtual Couch Podcast episode 204 - No one likes to feel bad...or sad, or afraid or anxious or uncertain, or so many other uncomfortable feelings. And what do you do when you start thinking unproductive thoughts? Sure, you can tell yourself to “just stop thinking about…

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May 15, 2020

Attorney Paul Hoybjerg On Recognizing and Addressing Emotional, Sexual and Physical Abuse

Tony Overbay LMFT's Virtual Couch Episode 203 - Attorney, and friend, Paul Hoybjerg joins Tony to talk about how we can better protect our children from sexual abuse. Paul is a partner in a Sacramento, California law firm who represents victims of sexual abuse, and negligence. Paul shares his story…

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May 12, 2020

The Elephant and the Rider, the Key to Managing Behavior, and Emotions - Virtual Couch Podcast 202

Do you ever feel like you’re simply not in control of your emotions? You’re not alone. At times we may feel like our emotions are charging forward like a 6-ton elephant! And we’re simply the rider, trying out best to guide or control the elephant but without much success. But…

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May 7, 2020

Tony Overbay Interviews Nate Bagley, Relationship Researcher About "Epic Wives Experiment"

Nate Bagley is a relationship researcher, and his goal is to rid the world of mediocre love. Nate’s work has been published by ABC, the Gottman Institue, The Good Men Project, Good Morning America, NBC, and more and with his latest project, The Epic Wives Experiment, he wants to help…

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May 5, 2020

Virtual Couch Ep200 Tony Overbay Tells All! From Baseball, Boating Accidents to the Tiger King!

To celebrate the 200th episode of The Virtual Couch Podcast, former guest and author Joshua Shea (Tony's co-author of "He's a Porn Addict...Now What? An Expert and a Former Addict Answer Your Questions) interviews Virtual Couch podcast host Tony Overbay. Tony shares about a tragic accident shortly after high school…

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April 28, 2020

Much Ado About Anxiety, and Why Ignoring Anxiety Only Makes It Angry! - Tony Overbay Virtual Couch

Episode 199 of Tony Overbay, LMFT's The Virtual Couch Podcast - Most likely you don't even have to start thinking about all of the stressors in your life right now to feel that familiar pang of anxiety. Does your heart feel like it’s going to beat right through your chest?…

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April 21, 2020

The Quarantine Kids Are Back! Everything You Wanted to Know About Life In Quarantine w/Tony’s Family

Tony Overbay LMFT's The Virtual Couch Podcast Episode 198 - Tony welcomes his wife (that’s right, for the first time in 198 episodes Tony’s wife Wendy joins the podcast!) along with his oldest daughter Alexa, 22, and her husband Mitch, 23, his daughter Mackie, who has appeared two previous times…

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April 19, 2020

BONUS Narcissism 101 Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Tony Overbay LMFT's The Virtual Couch Podcast BONUS episode 197. There’s a lot of talk in the news of narcissism. Many people in powerful positions, i.e. politicians, actors, CEOs of large companies, appear to be impervious to the thoughts of others, often being praised for their ability to put their…

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April 17, 2020

Sleep Or Stress, Which Came First? Tips to Lowering Cortisol Levels for Better Sleep

Tony Overbay LMFT's The Virtual Couch Podcast Episode 196 - Day is night, night is day! For most of us, we need a bit of a reason to get out of bed in the morning, whether it's heading to a job, getting the kids ready for school, or to head…

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April 7, 2020

Couples Communication Tune Up Time! More Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for Couples

Tony Overbay LMFT's Virtual Couch Podcast episode 195 - As we continue to shelter in place, quarantine, spend more time in closed quarters with our loved ones, the need for productive communication is even more important. That's why Tony felt it imperative to dust off the basics of psychologist Sue…

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March 31, 2020

It's Going To Be OK! Managing Worry and Doubt Around COVID-19 And During Distressing Times!

If you're human, you've experienced worry. But sometimes it can be more difficult than others to set those worries aside and continue doing what you need to do to move ahead in your life. In today's episode, Tony discusses the article "I'm a psychologist, and these are my top 8…

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March 31, 2020

Tips for Parenting Positively During the Not So Positive of Times - A Free Parenting Course

Sign up for your FREE parenting course today! Tony Overbay, LMFT and host of The Virtual Couch Podcast, offers you a free "virtual session" to help you improve your parenting today. In this free course, you'll learn why it can be so difficult to parent kids of any age…

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March 25, 2020

The Virtual Couch Ep193 - The Invisible Gorilla And Other Fascinating Psychological Experiments

Tony Overbay, LMFT presents episode 193 of The Virtual Couch Podcast. Can memories be implanted? What would you do if smoke began billowing from underneath a door and everyone around you acted like nothing unusual was happening? And could you spot a gorilla running across the screen while you were…

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March 20, 2020

Decreasing Anxiety During Anxious Times Tony Overbay, LMFT Interviews Dr. Mary Wilde

Dr. Mary Wilde is a board-certified pediatrician, author, and mother of 8 who spends a lot of her time helping people decrease anxiety during anxious times. It’s fair to say that with the continuing information regarding COVID-19 coming from all angles these are truly anxious times. So what can you…

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March 16, 2020

Do I Really Need More TP or Bottled Water? Aka "If Everybody Else is Doing it, Shouldn't I?"

Episode 191 of Tony Overbay LMFT's The Virtual Couch Podcast. With things changing rapidly thanks to the spread of COVID-19 and the Coronavirus, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to know exactly what to do, how to do it, and for how long? But one thing that remains a constant…

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March 10, 2020

Coronavirus Rule #1...Don't Touch Your Face! Why Can't You NOW Stop Touching Your Face?

Episode 190 of Tony Overbay LMFT's The Virtual Couch Podcast. With the continued information about the coronavirus coming in almost by the minute, two things have remained consistent...wash your hands long enough to sing the ABC song AND don't touch your face! But for most, simply telling one to not…

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March 5, 2020

Living with a Narcissistic Parent - Tina Fuller, Author of "It's My Turn"

Tony Overbay LMFT's Virtual Couch Podcast Episode 189 - Living with a Narcissistic Parent - Tina Fuller, Author of "It's My Turn" Author Tina Fuller joins Tony to talk about her book "It's My Turn" which details her experiences in growing up with a narcissistic mother. The interview covers…

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March 4, 2020

Psychological Reactance...You Don't Need to Listen To This Episode... I Wouldn't If I Were You!

Episode 188 of Tony Overbay, LMFT's The Virtual Couch Podcast - Simply put, psychological reactance is the instantaneous response that we have when we're told what to do. In business it is often called "change resistance" and in parenting, it's typically referred to as, well, "kids!" Reactance can also be…

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